Thursday 12 September 2013

Science is not scary

I don't really know what I want to do in life. "But you just finished a master's degree! In science!"  Well yes, yes I did. But the reason I did the degree in the first place was because I didn't know if I wanted to be in science. And to tell the honest truth, I still don't know if I do. But at the same time, I love science, I love doing it. But I don't know if it is what I want to be doing.

I think that science isn't something to be boxed up into a subject kept exclusively to school. Everything around us is science. Religion can co-exist with science. 

Public opinion is wrapped up around not understanding science, and being afraid of it because they don't understand the big words, just like they are afraid of technology:

To be fair, I honestly think that a part of the problem lies with the scientist themselves. Maybe its a 'I don't know why you don't understand something this simple' feeling that they give out when they speak, or maybe its the fact that most don't reach out at all. Something I learned being at the Roslin Institute is that some scientists do reach out to teach the public that they are not something to be afraid of. The problem I think is, that there is still a distinguishing line between the 'us' and 'them'.

I think everyone is a scientist really. That or a philosopher. 'Doers' or 'thinkers', so to speak. To illustrate this, I drew a flow chart:

What is it to be a scientist? All it takes is the thirst to know, and a will to understand. A newborn baby would be the worlds best scientist. It wants to know what this is and what that is. It looks around to see who is who, it learns how to memorize, it learns how to construct images. It learns language. It walks and plods on the floor. Amazing what a little baby can do if it puts its mind to it If you learn how to walk and talk than that itself is a feat, and achievement, and lo and behold, you have done science, since the moment you were born.  

Science needs to change. Sure, it’s not warm and fuzzy and all about cats hugging test tubes. But I think everyone should try to change it together.


  1. I've not really had much contact with you in the last five years (wow.), but you sound exactly as i remember.

  2. LOL i hope that wasn't creepy. xD

    1. FELIX! No that wasn't creepy at all! In fact it is great to hear from you!! It really has been like 5 years hasn't it. Wow that is freakishly long. >.< How have you been? What are you up to?
